What Is One Thing Many Reputable Facility Centers Have In Common?
Great customer service is crucial to keep your patients happy and delighted to return on their next visit. For a physical therapy clinic, this may mean making an investment with an aqua treadmill. An aquatic treadmill will take your hydrotherapy program to the next level. H2O For Fitness has the perfect machine to meet all of your center’s demands – we call it the Mirage.
Your facility’s reputation depends on reliable and cutting edge equipment. The Mirage features the latest water rehabilitation therapy technology that beats out the competition from other commercial underwater treadmills. Also the Mirage exhibits a versatile and user-friendly system, for both you and your patients. Our product was designed with a sleek and attractive touch screen interface that allows any user to easily control a variety of settings such as temperature, water level, and water jet resistance. It tracks essential information such as distance, time and speed that will give you and your clients a better idea of their progress as they recover. The design of the Mirage reflects a modern concept of the hydrotherapy treadmill. An investment in the Mirage will send a message to your clients that your facility is interested in keeping up to date in the most recent technology that will bolster their care and recovery.
A great rehabilitation center focuses on more than just effective customer service. Centers that offer hydrotherapy treatments must also focus on the quality of their water gym equipment and the services that they offer. Our hydrotherapy treadmill allows you to customize the level of intensity, difficulty, and type of exercises you can provide for your clients ensuring that they have a flexible and versatile program for their specific needs. The Mirage has another excellent feature that will help you create a stellar reputation for your facility: It can go mobile! The Mirage can be taken on the road wherever there is a client that needs in home care, or if you need to showcase your services at an event. When you take this extra step for your patients you will be able to broaden your services and clientele. Going mobile tells your patients that your facility will be there for them at any time and at any place, and it shows potential clients exactly what you can offer them.
Another way to boost your reputation is to partner with experts in your field and brands that are trusted by the community. H2O for fitness has over 75 years of combined experience in manufacturing hydrotherapy equipment. We build our machines with quality and affordability in mind so that you can rest at ease knowing that you have the best machine for the best deal on the market. Check out our video from the 4 Life Animal Wellness Center here, and you’ll see what we mean; see Oasis canine treadmill in action ! . Having experts by your side lets your patients know that you have credible resources, and that you care about your reputation.
Your reputation is essential to your success. Great customer service will take you a long way, but you also need technology that shows that your facility is top of the line. Additionally need to partner with experts who have an intimate knowledge of your field. All of these elements combined will make your company and your company’s reputation a shining success. This is what an investment in the Mirage offers and much more.